Wednesday 11 September 2013


1.I used to eat strawberry, 
      but  now I prefer grapes. 

2.I used to shop on mall, 
     but  now I prefer online shopping. 

3.I used to wear skirts, 
  but  now I prefer jeans. 

4.I used to play games on my phone, 
    but  now I prefer online games. 

5.I used to surf on Facebook,
   but  now I prefer Twitter. 

6.I used to upload pictures in Facebook,
     but  now I prefer Instagram.

7.I used to turn off the light at night, 
    but  now I prefer to turn it on. 

8.I used to eat in Jollibee, 
   but  now I prefer MacDonald. 

9.I used to like blue, 
but  now I prefer pink. 

10.I used to wear sandals, 
     but  now I prefer rubber shoes.

11.I used to dance valley, 
       but  now I prefer dance sport. 

12.I used to chew candy, 
    but  now I prefer chocolate.

13.I used to work at night,
   but  now I prefer at day.

14.I used to play table tennis,
 but  now I prefer lone tennis.

15.I used to wrote a song,
    but  now I prefer poem.

16.I used to bake cookies,
but  now I prefer cake.

17.I used to use beauty soap,
    but  now I prefer skin germ protection.

18.I used to steal the diamonds ,
But my conscience tell me not to do it

16.I used to play guitar,
But now I prefer to play violin

20.I used to eat lots of carbohydrates, 
But now I prefer proteins

 21. I used to jog in morning,
But now I like on fitness gym

22.I used to watch the twilight,
 But now I prefer meteors at night

23.I used to argue with my friend,
But now I prefer to reconcile with them

24.I used to escape on class hours, 
But now I prefer to stay and learn

25.I used to win in contest ,
But now I I’ll just do my best

26.I used to hang out on weekends,
But now I prefer to visit mom

27.I used to sing a lullaby ,
But now I love the pop song

28.I used to love a prince ,
But now I think his a beast

29.I used to face my problem,
But now my problem is my face

30.I used to scare by monster,
But now I fear no evil

31.I used to go with Rolly,
But now I want Sally

32.I used to ride a bus ,
But now I prefer MRT

33.I used to eat potato,
 But now I love peanuts

34.I used to txt my friend,
But now I like to tweet

35.I used to watch the sunset 
But now I prefer sunrise

36.I used to alarm in morning,
 But now I learn to wake myself

37.I used to borrow her books, 
But now I had my own

38.I used to play at rain,
 But I got sick

39.I used to shout my cousin,
 But now I learn to respect him

40.I used to tune the radio, 
But now I prefer TV

41.I used to eat vegetables,
But now I eat more of it.

42.I used to play softball,
But now I prefer basketball.

43.I used to spend more money,
But now I prefer to save some of it.

44.I used to spend more money,
But now I prefer to cook with her.

45.I used to drive motorcycle,
But now I prefer to drive car.

46.I used to walk up with stairs,
But now I prefer to use the elevator.

47.I used to go to Davao City,
But now I prefer to go to Palawan.

48.I used to spend my day watching Television,
But now I spend my day reading books.

49.I used to wear shorts,
But know I wear jeans.

50.I used to be alone, 
But now I mingle with other.

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